16 Grey Street, Marton, Rangitīkei
Phone: (06) 327 7975 (answerphone)
Email: macc.information@gmail.com
Our Tuesday group is a chilled bunch who like to use a variety of painting mediums, including oils, acrylics, watercolour and encaustic. Popular drawing mediums include digital, pencil and pastels. If you are comfortable doing your own thing this is a fantastic group to join.
All enquiries regarding Painting & Drawing group please email macc.information@gmail.com
Please download pdf below for registration details
(NOTE: Membership cost for remaining three terms of 2024 is $30)
Payment: Westpac Bank 03-0683-0143552-00
Please include:
Particulars: Surname & Initials
Code: ARTTUA Activity Code Letters
Reference: Term(s) eg Term 2
Tuesday morning 10.00AM – 12.30PM
(Quarters 2, 3, & 4 - 10 x 2 hour sessions per quarter)
MEMBERS $40 per quarter
NON-MEMBERS $60 per quarter