16 Grey Street, Marton, Rangitīkei
Phone: (06) 327 7975 (answerphone)
Email: macc.information@gmail.com
Calling all creatives, artists, and makers! This new MONTHLY group caters to those like the idea of meeting a few new people, and mixing things up creatively.
We'd love it to be a social making space for creating, sharing and discovery. We have some amazingly talented people at the centre, and we hope this will be a relaxed opportunity to meet and chat across all the art forms. Who knows how it might end up inspiring you!
Whatever your preferred medium* come along with your own creative project to do, and some lunch. The aim is to fill the whole centre with people creating.
If you are already a MACC group potter with experience, the pottery is also open to you. You must know your way around our studio, observe good health and safety practice, and be 18+ years.
* If you are thinking of signing up for the first time, and you think your medium may be on the extra messy or fumey side, please get in touch with us before signing up, we will see what we can do to accomodate you.
All enquiries regarding the Fusion Group please email macc.information@gmail.com
Payment: Westpac Bank 03-0683-0143552-00
Please include:
Particulars: Surname & Initials
Code: FUSSMM Activity Code Letters
Reference: Term(s) eg Term 1
Membership is required for Fusion. Membership for 2025 is $40
1st SATURDAY of the month 10am - 2.30pm
(Quarters 1, 2, 3, & 4 - 10 x 4 hour sessions per year)
Yearly fee of $50 to attend Fusion workshops.