16 Grey Street, Marton, Rangitīkei
Phone: (06) 327 7975 (answerphone)
Email: macc.information@gmail.com
Prior to attending this encaustic group you will need to have attended at least one of Lynn Whitford’s Encaustic Wax workshops.
Here you can continue to develop your understanding of the many different basic techniques of this absorbing medium under the guidance of Lynn.
You will need to bring your own materials and equipment to the group.
All enquiries regarding the Encaustic Wax group or Lynn's next workshop please email macc.information@gmail.com
Payment: Westpac Bank 03-0683-0143552-00
Please include:
Particulars: Surname & Initials
Code: ENCWEA Activity Code Letters
Reference: Term(s) eg Term 1
(NOTE: Membership cost for2025 is $40)
3rd Wednesday of the month
9.00am - 11.00am
This group has a yearly fee of $50
Groups are for members only. Membership for the 2025 year is $40.